People are much smarter shoppers now. Home Art has gained popularity while prints and imports are second place. The movement to is due people wanting more original pieces & even the TV series The Block has educated people their value.
However, Home Art is one of the hardest decisions people make for home decor. It’s usually the last step in a room & most personal. The challenge is making the artwork suit your colour scheme and show that you have a personality at the same time.
This is why I specialise in commissioned artwork to suit any room and any person. Generally I meet a client after they spend 2 years searching for a suitable artwork, I create one in 2 weeks. Along with matching colours I find out a bit about the client and see how much character they want to put into the piece. Some people want calming artwork or exciting energetic artwork. This depends on what you want to achieve.
Home Art is a reflection of the home and the people in it.